What Does Lactic Acid Do into Animal Health and Performance ?

Lactate is typically cleared by the liver, where it is reconverted into glucose via gluconeogenesis. Some lactate is also metabolized in the kidneys. The enzyme lactate dehydrogenase oxidizes lactate into pyruvate within mitochondria, generating NADH.

What Is Lactic Acidosis – Implications for Animal Health and Well-being ?

Lactic acidosis is characterized by elevated lactate levels and blood serum pH ≤ 7.35, often linked to metabolic acidosis in hospitalized individuals. It is classified into:

Elevated lactic acid levels worsen underlying conditions, increasing mortality risks. Severe levels can reduce heart and vascular contractility, leading to profound hemodynamic consequences.

Causes of Lactic Acid Build-Up

Elevated lactate results from increased production, decreased clearance, or both. Causes include:

Tying Up in Horses

What Makes Horses “Tie Up”?

Variability Among Horses

Role of Calcium and Mitochondrial Exhaustion

Hidden Dangers of Muscle Fatigue

Skeletal Impact

Circulatory and Respiratory Impact

Solutions for Managing Lactic Acid and Muscle Fatigue

Training and Management

Nutritional Support


Improvements in biochemistry, nutrition, and training methods provide valuable tools for managing lactic acid and muscle fatigue in horses. By adopting a holistic approach to horse care, trainers can enhance performance, prevent tying up, and ensure overall muscle health.

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